We recognize the heavy burdens and spiritual struggles that healthcare professionals face. From feelings of isolation to personal crises, the journey can be overwhelming. At CMMA, we address these challenges with a Christ-centered approach, providing spiritual support and guidance rooted in faith.
Whether you're a student, resident, or a spouse, our community stands with you, offering encouragement and fellowship in the name of Jesus.
Medical Marriage Mondays is designed to provide community and encouragement to those healthcare students and residents who are married. Come connect with other Christian healthcare professionals in fellowship, worship, Bible study, and prayer. FREE dinner is served. Free childcare is available onsite! We consider ourselves as family. So if you are looking for a support system, join us!
Tuesday Night Fellowship is an opportunity for the various small groups to gather together once a month and learn together. CMMA invites an engaging speaker to provide meaningful and timely thoughts to the healthcare students, providers, and guests who attend. A free full dinner is provided!
P & P stands for a "P" food (pizza, poultry, pasta, po' boy, etc.) and Perspective. This is a weekly FREE lunch where we invite guest speakers - practicing physicians, lawyers, financial advisors, ethicists, etc. - to speak on topics relevant to your stage in life and from a Christian worldview. Take a break from your busy schedule -- we come to you!
TNT is a weekly FREE lunch meeting at the Dental School for dental students with the purpose of helping students hear from practicing Dentists and other professionals. TNT provides students the opportunity to learn about things "they don't teach you in dental school."
Side-By-Side is a ministry to medical spouses that is associated with the national organization, CMDA. Wives of healthcare professionals and students meet weekly to pray, study God’s word, and lovingly support one another. Childcare available by reservation only.
Welcome Dinners are designed for new healthcare students and to learn about CMMA activities and meet upperclassmen, fellow students, Christian faculty members, practicing providers, and CMMA staff.
Connect with fellow students or residents in your field and deepen your faith through our small group Bible studies! Each group meets weekly and is led by a healthcare provider in your area of study, offering a supportive environment for fellowship and meaningful conversation around scripture. At our welcome dinner, you’ll be matched with a group, or you can sign up anytime on our website to find your place.
Reach out to learn more about our ministry and how you can get involved.
Engage in our community activities, mission trips, and mentorship opportunities to grow spiritually and professionally.
Whether you are a student, a healthcare professional, or a supportive spouse, CMMA offers numerous opportunities for you to grow spiritually, gain practical experience, and connect with a like-minded community. From mission trips to weekly fellowship activities, there's a place for you in our ministry.